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Toutes nos actualités de l'année 2011
Ha Ha (ha) said Manfred Mann (15/12/2011)
A la Sainte Lucie avec Maths-Fi, baisse des prix ! (13/12/2011)
EU Capital Exercise - December 2011 (09/12/2011)
Calendrier de l'Avent Maths-Fi - diffusez vos annonces ! (06/12/2011)
Sovereign Debt in IFRS Financial Statements (01/12/2011)
Lamy calls for trade opening to continue as global economic outlook worsens (24/11/2011)
ESMA details future rules for alternative investment fund managers (17/11/2011)
SocGen and CASA Results for the 3rd Quarter (10/11/2011)
Greek Salad (03/11/2011)
Mille Milliards de Mille Sabords (27/10/2011)
Who's going to pay for Baby Sarkozy's retirement? (20/10/2011)
Futures Drop J.P Morgan in Focus (13/10/2011)
ECB announces details of refinancing operations - Oct 2011 - July 2012 (06/10/2011)
Workshop Volatility Modeling and Quant Trading in Paris - Nov 7-8, 2011 (29/09/2011)
Let's twist with Baudouin Prot (22/09/2011)
5 octobre 2011 a Paris - Rencontre en soiree Matlab- de la modelisation a la production (15/09/2011)
SocGen: What's next? (08/09/2011)
Bye Bye Mister S&P (01/09/2011)
Last Call - Post your ads for free on September! (30/08/2011)
Back To School: suscribe now, September is free of charge! (23/08/2011)
The Scarlet Letter (11/08/2011)
Barroso Vs Moodys (07/07/2011)
Compte a rebours offre 2 pour 1 - Plus que 10 jours pour doubler votre communication ! (05/07/2011)
Paris EUROPLACE International Financial Forum - 4-6 juil 2011 (30/06/2011)
Benny B: Tomorrow is another day (23/06/2011)
New Recipe: SocGen CASA BNPP alla Greek (17/06/2011)
Special Recrutement Banque de France (09/06/2011)
L'Offre 2 Pour 1 est de retour - Doublez votre Com RH ! (31/05/2011)
OECD 50th Anniversary (26/05/2011)
The financialisation of commodity markets - what are the challenges for regulators? (19/05/2011)
Is Glencore A Sound Investment? (12/05/2011)
BNPP UP SocGen Down (05/05/2011)
Wall Street and The Financial Crisis Anatomy of a Financial Collapse (28/04/2011)
2 derniers jours pour l'offre 2 pour 1 (13/04/2011)
DSK is back, JCT too ! (08/04/2011)
Derniers jours pour doubler votre Com RH! (06/04/2011)
Derniers jours pour doubler votre com RH ! (05/04/2011)
What are the priorities for financial markets? (31/03/2011)
2 fois plus de communication avec Maths-Fi (29/03/2011)
Quizz Maths-Fi : Le Retour ! (24/03/2011)
Offre 2 Pour 1 - Doublez votre Com RH ! (22/03/2011)
Credit Agricole Becomes A Bank (17/03/2011)
Offre 2 Pour 1 - Multipliez par 2 votre Com RH ! (15/03/2011)
MEPs call for the introduction of a tax on financial transactions (10/03/2011)
And the Winner is Gold George (03/03/2011)
Rencontre MATLAB - La reference pour le trading algorithmique - 22 mars 2011 (24/02/2011)
SocGen Results - Group net income of EUR 3.9 bn (17/02/2011)
Ben on the grill (10/02/2011)
Open Season Stagiaires - optez pour le reseau Maths-Fi ! (03/02/2011)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Algotrading But Were Afraid To Ask (27/01/2011)
GS: Is this the End? (20/01/2011)
GS: Don't be too hard on the HFT Traders (13/01/2011)
Maths-Fi vous souhaite une excellente annee 2011 (06/01/2011)