Modeling and Managing Financial Risks, Paris January 10-13, 2011
Date de dépôt : 10/12/2010

Les brèves Maths-fi du 10/12/2010.

Maths-Fi vous souhaite une excellente journée sous la neige et vous propose cette semaine :


Modeling and Managing Financial Risks, January 10-13, 2011 in Paris
The Department of Applied Mathematics (CMAP) of Ecole Polytechnique and the chair Financial Risks of the Risk Foundation, which involves Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Ponts and Societe Generale, organize an international conference:
Modeling and Managing Financial Risks
This conference will be the occasion to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Master Program Probabilities and Finance of Paris VI University and Ecole Polytechnique
More information on this event...

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Frontières en Finance

R. Cont (CNRS - Columbia University)-Y.Braouezec (Dpt Maths/Ingénierie Financière ESILV)
ont le plaisir de vous annoncer le prochain Petit Déjeuner de la Finance à l'Institut Louis Bachelier (Paris - métro bourse)
mardi 14 décembre 2010, de 8h à 9h30 à Paris
Présentation de Mike Tehranchi (Cambridge) Asymptotics of implied volatility

Extrait :
Black-Scholes implied volatility provides a useful language in which to discuss the prices of European call options. To quickly calibrate a model of an underlying equity, one must understand how the model's implied volatility surface depends on the model parameters.
Since exact analytic formulae are difficult to obtain, there has been much research on asymptotic formulae.
This talk will focus on the asymptotics for options far from maturity.
The goal is to identify both 'model-free' properties and give explicit calculations for a large class of specific models.

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