Cher(e) Abonné(e),

Le mercredi 9 août 2017, nous vous proposons 4 New(s) qui peu(ven)t vous intéresser:

Maths-Fi - Reseau Maths, Finance et Big DataMaths-Fi vous souhaite une excellente journée et vous propose à titre exceptionnel ce mercredi :

Réseau Maths, Finance & Big Data sur LinkedIn : merci à nos +26.000 abonnés ! Cliquez ici pour les rejoindre.

Nos partenaires recrutent


Capital Fund Management (CFM) is a successful alternative investment manager and a pioneer in the field of quantitative trading applied to capital markets across the globe. The company is regulated by the AMF, the SEC and the CFTC, with assets under management of $7.5 billion.

CFM is currently looking for: a Researcher in Quantitative Finance in Paris

Ideal Candidate:

  • PhD in experimental or theoretical science (life science, mathematics, physics, statistics etc.)
  • Post PhD experience (academic or private sector research), 5+ years experience would be appreciated,
  • Programming skills in Python, C++ or R,

Our compensation package is very attractive, offering a substantial bonus (that can range from 50% - 150%+ of fixed salary, depending on global and individual performance).

More information/Apply Now

[arxiv] Uniform random colored complexes

mercredi 9 août 2017

The first pre-print of a young and promising PhD Student
Ariane Carrance
Université de Lyon
Institut Camille Jourdan

Abstract: We present here random distributions on (D+1)-edge-colored, bipartite graphs with a fixed number of vertices 2p. These graphs are dual to D-dimensional orientable colored complexes. We investigate the behavior of quantities related to those random graphs, such as their number of connected components or the number of vertices of their dual complexes, as p→∞. The techniques involved in the study of these quantities also yield a Central Limit Theorem for the genus of a uniform map of order p, as p→∞.

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[Paris Innovation Review] China's global financial integration: how far, how fast

mercredi 9 août 2017

[...] China’s influence on world markets far outweighs the degree of integration of its own banks and financial markets with the rest of the world. While the country has only gradually eased controls on its capital account and foreign exchange markets, illicit flows of capital are playing an outsized role in some overseas markets and industries. This will change. But how and when? [...]

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Career @ BNP Paribas Hong Kong: Quantitative Researcher (London)

mercredi 9 août 2017

BNPParibas HK

BNP Paribas has a presence in nearly 80 countries with over 180,000 employees. It ranks highly in its three core activities: Retail Banking, Investment Solutions and Corporate & Investment Banking. We strive to employ talented and innovative people who are aligned to our vision and culture.

Career @ BNP Paribas Hong Kong (London or Hong Kong) : Quantitative Researcher

About the role

The quantitative researcher is a front office role in charge of developing, building and testing models to meet the needs of the credit markets activity. We have a strong research agenda on innovation to enable structuring to deliver coupon enhancement through choice collateral and risk transformation. Work is integrated to BNP global markets platforms and official risk and valuation systems.
We are seeking an applicant who is proficient in financial mathematics (including stochastic calculus) and software development (C++) who will report directly to the global head of credit modeling.

If you are interested in a role in quantitative research:

  • Click here to send your cv and motivation letter to Mr Sebastien Hitier with the reference in the subject line.

More information


[à visionner] Maths-Fi recommande : The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) ' La fabrique des traders à Londres'. Documentaire ARTE.

mardi 1 août 2017

[...] Le paradoxe de la LSE : une école qui forme les traders tout en recrutant l'anthropologue David Graber, figure de proue du mouvement Occupy Wall Street, ou en créant l'Institut international d'étude des inégalités, animé par Thomas Piketty, un ancien étudiant. "Connaître la cause des choses", telle est la devise de la LSE. Située en plein cœur de Londres, à mi-chemin entre la City et Westminster, cette prestigieuse école entend, depuis ses origines, influencer la vie politique et économique de son temps.  [...]

Voir la video


Campagnes Académiques Réseau Maths-Fi: Disponibilités à partir de : septembre 2017

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